Friday, 29 April 2011


If you're about to ask me what do want in life I would say FAME. But I understand that to exchange with that it needs alot of SACRIFICES. I will shred my heart and humanity to exchange with it. Guilty is now the warden of my heart and for my FAME, I can do anything for it- kill, steal and break, but in the end my FAME will be just a worthless dust. NO ONE will still remember me just like the golden wrapper will shine until its limit but will lose its ability after its tainted. Maybe i have to learn to let go and live my life. That would be a better way to walk through life WITHOUT fame.                       

- takeshi- 

The Beauty of The Game

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

what and if

what and if are just simple and ordinary words. but come to think of it, do it really just sounds so simple as it?? "NO NO", it doesnt . WHAT and IF can be a real big word and fantastic one when you puzzle them up. What if I had never let go of you, What if you have never ever say no to me and What if I just love you as I wanted to...What if... so much more i can count with these words..What can make it come true and it will be what if it will be..Such exquisite and wonderful words they are...

What if I could Just love you and never let you go......                -letters to Juliet-